DEIA´S DELIGHTS - Memories from September
Well, last Saturday was our last wedding of the seaon – sixteen weddings in the month of September alone and it was fitting that the setting for this ceremony was in Deiá where we began the season back in May. Our wedding at the beginning of May was quite tricky as the ceremony was up at the beautiful location of Son Morraig, around the marble dome and it rained! Not good for the wedding guests who had flown in all the way from America and there was nowhere for them to take cover... Last weekend the forecast was also bad, but luckily the service was to be held in the church in Deiá with the reception being at Son Morraig, where there is also an indoor option. But, as is often the way here in Mallorca with weather forecasts, thank goodness the rain clouds were blown away and there was a stunning blue sky.
As I have written here before Gypsophila, Latin name Paniculata or Babies Breath in America, has been extremely popular this year and it featured heavily in this wedding also.
The bride ́s bouquet was made up of white Hydrangeas with Roses grouped together, with a skirt of Gypsophila around the edge.
The Matron of Honor ́s posy was just Roses with the Gypsophila

and the bridesmaids ́posies were simply bunches of Gypsophila only.
We decorated the church with large pedestal arrangements, 1.2 metres in height, which always look big in the workshop, but seem to shrink when put into a large church and an altar table arrangement. Onto the pew ends we placed more Gypsophila, which really does work very well down an aisle.
After setting up the church and delivering the bridal party flowers we then set off to one of my most
favourite locations, Son Morraig. Here we carried on the Gypsophila theme using our candleabras
which we decorated with foliage also.
Once we had set up the tables we then raced back to the church as another service that we offer is to take the flower arrangements from the church back to the reception. This is popular as obviously it is quite an expense to have flowers in the church only for 45 minutes, but if we move them back to the venue they can be enjoyed for the whole evening. This is always a bit of a challenge to do and makes me feel like Anneka Rice on a challenge - waiting for the Bride and Groom to leave the church, with their guests following behind and we slip in the side door and whisk the flowers out, hopefully unseen, load them into the van and zoom off whilst photographs are being taken, put the flowers in place at the reception and by the time the wedding party arrive all is set up! These large arrangements are extremely heavy though and perhaps rather more tiring to carry out this task that you can imagine!

Here we jazzed up the rather plain table plan using the altar table arrangement at the feet and the Gypsophila pew ends in the middle.
It seems quite unbelieveable that I won ́t be racing off to another venue somewhere on the island
this weekend for another wedding, just a couple of marinas with some yacht deliveries. Now is
time to turn my mind to the emails which are have been stored until a quieter period and the
mountain of quotations for next year ́s weddings. The seasons change and work changes for me too
– more time on the computer, watching out for the trends for next year and lots of time putting
together proposals and quotations. Inbetween, we do of course have Christmas, which I love and
shall now look forward to once again getting out the glue gun, which is always in use when making
up little Christmas tree arrangements and spice garlands.